Production engineers and supervisors, Well Service engineers and supervisors, Materials, logistics and warehouse personnel, Work over engineers and supervisors

You will learn

  • A Comprehensive discussion of Production equipment and practices including Artificial Lift Equipment
  • Understanding the basic of Production Techniques and Production Problems
  • The practical and technical considerations in the design, selection and operation of your down hole and Surface production equipment
  • How to maintain safety environmental excellence in production and well service operations

About The Course

After participate in thistraining, the participants will be able and capable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of oil , gas and water handling processes and facilities, and how to operate this technology in field application.
  • Diagnostic of oil and gas reservoir performance under actual drive mechanism and future performance with current handling processes.
  • Analyze the production potential of reservoir under with actual handling system processes and to plan the better development processes according to reservoir capacity.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil, gas and water handling processes.


Gas Handling Facilities

Introduction to Gas Handling and Facilities
Gas Properties

  • Ideal gas
  • Real Gas
  • Gas Formation Volume Factor
  • Gas Compressibility
  • Gas-Water System
  • Gas-Condensate System

Gas Reservoir Performance

  • Reservoir Gas Flow
  • Gas Reserves
  • Well Completion Effect
  • Tight Gas Well
  • Gas Well Testing

Gas Piping System

  • Basic  Flow Equation
  • Flow in Wells and Flow in Pipelines
  • Effect of Liquids
  • Use of Pressure Traverse Curve
  • Liquid Removal from Gas Wells

Gas Compression

  • Type of Compressors
  • Compressor Design
  • Centrifugal Compressor

Total System Analysis

  • Tubing and Flow Line Effect
  • Separator Pressure Effect
  • Compressor Selection

Flow Measuring

  • Orifice Metering
  • Metering System Design
  •  Other Metering Methods

Gas Condensate Reservoir

  •  Well Testing and Sampling
  • Gas Cycling

Field Operation Problems

  • Pressure Cumulative Production Plot
  • Hydrate Formation
  • Sour Gas Production
  • Corrosion Control With Inhibitors
  • Sulfur Deposition

Gas Processing

  • Field treatment of Natural Gas
  • Gas Plant Operation
  • Gas Dehydration
  • Gas Sweetening

Oil Handling Facilities

Oil Well Surface Production Equipment and Operation

  • Oil Well Equipment
  • Oil Well Production Operation
  • Well Automatic Safety Device

Oil Gathering System. Manifold and Flowline

  • Oil Gathering System
  • Manifold System
  • Flow line Sizing and Design

Crude Oil and Gas Separation

  • Separator and Principle of Separation
  • Design of Separator
  • Oil Dehydration

Principles of Measurement

  • Introduction to Measurement
  • Crude Oil Measurement
  • Gas Measurement

Well Test

  • Introduction
  • Responsibility for Test
  • Preparation for Test
  • Types of Well Test
  • Equipment and Procedures
  • Accuracy of Fluid Measurement
  • Problem in Testing
  • Type of Test

Water Handling Facilities

The Chemistry of Water

  • Chemical and Physical Properties
  • Water Sampling Procedures
  • Quantitative Analysis of Oilfield Waters
  • Water Analysis Techniques

Water Formed Scales

  • Why Scales Form
  • Predicting Scale Formation
  • Mixing Waters – Compatibility
  • Preventing Scale Formation
  • Scale Removal Methods

Corrosion in Water Injection System and Disposal System

  • Theory of Corrosion
  • The Effect of Metal Composition
  • Effect of Water Composition
  • Forms of Corrosion
  • Corrosion Control Methods
  • Corrosion Inhibitors
  • Internal Coatings and Linings for Tubular Goods
  • Internal Tank Coatings and Cathodic Protection
  • Non-Metallic Tubular Goods Types
  • Removal of Corrosive Gases from Water
  • Oxygen Removal
  • Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Water
  • Removal of Carbon Dioxide from Water
  • Oxygen Exclusion
  • Design to Minimize Corrosion
  •  Corrosion Monitoring Techniques




3days (effective21thhours )

INVESTMENT TRAINING (Excluding Accommodation) :

  • IDR 11.000.000,-/participant (Jakarta)
  • IDR 11.000.000-/participant (Bandung)
  • IDR 12.000.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR 14.000.000,-/participant (Bali)
  • IDR 14.750.000,-/participant (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/participant (Malaysia)


Certificate, Module, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, held in hotel



081296791324 (WA)


0811-996-1224 (WA)

0812-9679-1324 (WA)


Interactive Methods, Presentations, Discussions



  • 4-6 September 2024, Jakarta
  • 11-13 September 2024, Malang
  • 18-20 September 2024, Surabaya/ Bandung
  • 25-27 September 2024, Yogyakarta


  • 9-11 Oktober 2024, Jakarta
  • 16-18 Oktober 2024, Batam
  • 23-25 Oktober 2024, Bandung
  • 28-30 Oktober 2024, Surabaya


  • 6-8 November 2024, Lombok/ Jakarta
  • 13-15 November 2024, Bali
  • 20-22 November 2024, Surabaya
  • 27-29 November 2024, Yogyakarta


  • 4-6 Desember 2024, Bandung
  • 11-13 Desember 2024, Medan/ Jakarta
  • 18-20 Desember 2024, Makassar/ Yogyakarta

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